#130 Gathering

March 3, 2012 at 5:32 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 9 Comments
A gathering of gulls at Drakes Creek Park in Hendersonville, TN.
(looks better if you click on the picture for a larger view)


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  1. The Bridge is adorable, but how you trained those Gulls to adorn it like that is the real wonder.

  2. They saw me coming with my camera and all lined up for their picture!

  3. oh my what a great shot, they do look as if they are posing for you!

  4. What a great shot and well seen…not sure I'd want to rest against that bridge after their visit tho…

  5. Great bridge design – Love the decor! Great Capture!

  6. Looks like they were posing for you . . . great capture.

  7. Fun capture…..looks like they're waiting for the starter's whistle!

  8. They are all facing into the wind! One is coming in for a landing…I see a couple of spots open for it. Thanks for suggesting larger view because I was looking at the bridge and missed the birds on the first glance.

  9. Looks like they are all waiting for a movie to start…I think you forgot the popcorn!

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