# 65 Damaged

March 25, 2012 at 8:33 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 12 Comments

My car was damaged when someone backed into it while it was parked in front of the house where I work.  The driver’s door only opens as far as the picture shows.


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  1. Hope that you got their details.

  2. Ouch….they must have backed into it at some speed to do that much damage

  3. Oh no…hate when that happens! Hope it is fixed soon!

  4. Oh that's a big bang. I do hope the bad driver did give you their info. Hope this week goes better for you!

  5. Oh that is a big bang, hope the driver gave you info! Hope this week is smoother for you!

  6. sorry for the double post. it was there, then it vanished, then I reposted, then there were two.

  7. Oh no . . . hope it gets fixed for you soon.

  8. Oh no! Sure hope you find the rotten driver and they pay for repairs.Kimhttp://kandrew2012.wordpress.com/

  9. It actually happened on March 8–took the lady two weeks to report it to her insurance. Will hopefully get it fixed later this week.

  10. how annoying, and such a pretty coloured car..at least someone else did the damage, I usually have no one to blame for all the dints and bangs that appear on our car

  11. ouch! Hope it is fixed soon for you!Irishttp://inmyworld-2012inphotographs.blogspot.com/

  12. It took almost three weeks, but the car is now fixed and looks better than ever. (At least in that spot!)

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